
Amazon MWS Report 欄位

要接收Amazon MWS Report的資料一定要先知道有哪些欄位,在這紀錄一下每個Report的欄位

Report Types

Active Listings Report

  1. item-name
  2. item-description
  3. listing-id
  4. seller-sku
  5. price
  6. quantity
  7. open-date
  8. image-url
  9. item-is-marketplace
  10. product-id-type
  11. zshop-shipping-fee
  12. item-note
  13. item-condition
  14. zshop-category1
  15. zshop-browse-path
  16. zshop-storefront-feature
  17. asin1
  18. asin2
  19. asin3
  20. will-ship-internationally
  21. expedited-shipping
  22. zshop-boldface
  23. product-id
  24. bid-for-featured-placement
  25. add-delete
  26. pending-quantity
  27. fulfillment-channel

Inventory Report

  1. sku
  2. asin
  3. price
  4. quantity

Open Listings Report Lite

  1. seller-sku
  2. quantity
  3. price
  4. product-id

Open Listings Report Lite

  1. seller-sku
  2. quantity

Open Listings Report

  1. item-name
  2. item-description
  3. listing-id
  4. seller-sku
  5. price
  6. quantity
  7. open-date
  8. image-url
  9. item-is-marketplace
  10. product-id-type
  11. zshop-shipping-fee
  12. item-note
  13. item-condition
  14. zshop-category1
  15. zshop-browse-path
  16. zshop-storefront-feature
  17. asin1
  18. asin2
  19. asin3
  20. will-ship-internationally
  21. expedited-shipping
  22. zshop-boldface
  23. product-id
  24. bid-for-featured-placement
  25. add-delete
  26. pending-quantity

Cancelled Listings Report

  1. item-name
  2. item-description
  3. seller-sku
  4. price
  5. quantity
  6. image-url
  7. item-is-marketplace
  8. product-id-type
  9. zshop-shipping-fee
  10. item-note
  11. item-condition
  12. zshop-category1
  13. zshop-browse-path
  14. zshop-storefront-feature
  15. asin1
  16. sin2
  17. asin3
  18. ill-ship-internationally
  19. expedited-shipping
  20. shop-boldface
  21. product-id
  22. add-delete

Sold Listings

  1. item-name
  2. listing-id
  3. sku price
  4. shipping-fee
  5. purchase-date
  6. buyer-email
  7. buyer-nickname
  8. date-listed
  9. item-is-marketplace
  10. quantity

FBA Inventory

  1. seller-sku
  2. fulfillment-channel-sku
  3. asin
  4. condition-type
  5. Warehouse-Condition-code
  6. Quantity Available

Listing Quality and Suppressed Listing Report

  1. sku
  2. product-name
  3. asin
  4. field-name
  5. alert-type
  6. current-value
  7. last-updated
  8. alert-name
  9. status

Order Reports

Order Report (Old Version)

  1. payments-status order-id
  2. order-item-id
  3. payments-date
  4. payments-transaction-id
  5. item-name
  6. listing-id
  7. sku
  8. price
  9. shipping-fee
  10. quantity-purchased
  11. total-price
  12. purchase-date
  13. batch-id
  14. buyer-email
  15. buyer-name
  16. recipient-name
  17. ship-address-1
  18. ship-address-2
  19. ship-city
  20. ship-state
  21. ship-zip
  22. ship-country
  23. special-comments
  24. upc
  25. ship-method
  26. sales-channel

Orders Report By Order Date

  1. amazon-order-id
  2. merchant-order-id
  3. purchase-date
  4. last-updated-date
  5. order-status
  6. fulfillment-channel
  7. sales-channel
  8. order-channel
  9. url
  10. ship-service-level
  11. product-name
  12. sku
  13. asin
  14. item-status
  15. quantity
  16. currency
  17. item-price
  18. item-tax
  19. shipping-price
  20. shipping-tax
  21. gift-wrap-price
  22. gift-wrap-tax
  23. item-promotion-discount
  24. ship-promotion-discount
  25. ship-city
  26. ship-state
  27. ship-postal-code
  28. ship-country
  29. promotion-ids

Order Report

  1. order-id
  2. order-item-id
  3. purchase-date
  4. payments-date
  5. buyer-email
  6. buyer-name
  7. buyer-phone-number
  8. sku
  9. product-name
  10. quantity-purchased
  11. item-price
  12. item-tax
  13. shipping-price
  14. shipping-tax
  15. ship-service-level
  16. recipient-name
  17. ship-address-1
  18. ship-address-2
  19. ship-address-3
  20. ship-city
  21. ship-state
  22. ship-postal-code
  23. ship-country
  24. ship-phone-number
  25. tax-location-code
  26. tax-location-city
  27. tax-location-county
  28. tax-location-state
  29. per-unit-item-taxable-district
  30. per-unit-item-taxable-city
  31. per-unit-item-taxable-county
  32. per-unit-item-taxable-state
  33. per-unit-item-non-taxable-district
  34. per-unit-item-non-taxable-city
  35. per-unit-item-non-taxable-county
  36. per-unit-item-non-taxable-state
  37. per-unit-item-zero-rated-district
  38. per-unit-item-zero-rated-city
  39. per-unit-item-zero-rated-county
  40. per-unit-item-zero-rated-state
  41. per-unit-item-tax-collected-district
  42. per-unit-item-tax-collected-city
  43. per-unit-item-tax-collected-county
  44. per-unit-item-tax-collected-state
  45. per-unit-shipping-taxable-district
  46. per-unit-shipping-taxable-city
  47. per-unit-shipping-taxable-county
  48. per-unit-ship
  1. order-id
  2. order-item-id
  3. purchase-date
  4. payments-date
  5. reporting-date
  6. promise-date
  7. days-past-promise
  8. buyer-email
  9. buyer-name
  10. buyer-phone-number
  11. sku
  12. product-name
  13. quantity-purchased
  14. quantity-shipped
  15. quantity-to-ship
  16. ship-service-level
  17. recipient-name
  18. ship-address-1
  19. ship-address-2
  20. ship-address-3
  21. ship-city
  22. ship-state
  23. ship-postal-code
  24. ship-country
        <BuyerName>John Doe</BuyerName>
            <Name>John Doe</Name>
            <AddressFieldOne>123 Oak Street</AddressFieldOne>
        <Title>My Awesome Product</Title>
            <Data>My Awesome Product</Data>
                <Amount currency="USD">145.23</Amount>
                <Amount currency="USD">0.00</Amount>
                <Amount currency="USD">0.00</Amount>
                <Amount currency="USD">0.00</Amount>
                <Amount currency="USD">-21.78</Amount>

Transaction Reports

Flat File

  1. settlement-id
  2. settlement-start-date
  3. settlement-end-date
  4. deposit-date
  5. total-amount
  6. currency
  7. transaction-type
  8. order-id
  9. merchant-order-id
  10. adjustment-id
  11. shipment-id
  12. marketplace-name
  13. shipment-fee-type
  14. shipment-fee-amount
  15. order-fee-type
  16. order-fee-amount
  17. fulfillment-id
  18. posted-date
  19. order-item-code
  20. merchant-order-item-id
  21. merchant-adjustment-item-id
  22. sku
  23. quantity-purchased
  24. price-type
  25. price-amount
  26. item-related-fee-type
  27. item-related-fee-amount
  28. misc-fee-amount
  29. other-fee-amount
  30. other-fee-reason-description
  31. promotion-id
  32. promotion-type
  33. promotion-amount
  34. direct-payment-type
  35. direct-payment-amount
  36. other-amount

Flat File V2

  1. settlement-id
  2. settlement-start-date
  3. settlement-end-date
  4. deposit-date
  5. total-amount
  6. currency
  7. transaction-type
  8. order-id
  9. merchant-order-id
  10. adjustment-id
  11. shipment-id
  12. marketplace-name
  13. amount-type
  14. amount-description
  15. amount
  16. fulfillment-id
  17. posted-date
  18. posted-date-time
  19. order-item-code
  20. merchant-order-item-id
  21. merchant-adjustment-item-id
  22. sku
  23. quantity-purchased
  24. promotion-id

Fulfillment Reports

  1. amazon-order-id
  2. merchant-order-id
  3. shipment-id
  4. shipment-item-id
  5. amazon-order-item-id
  6. merchant-order-item-id
  7. purchase-date
  8. payments-date
  9. shipment-date
  10. reporting-date
  11. buyer-email
  12. buyer-name
  13. buyer-phone-number
  14. sku
  15. product-name
  16. quantity-shipped
  17. currency
  18. item-price
  19. item-tax
  20. shipping-price
  21. shipping-tax
  22. gift-wrap-price
  23. gift-wrap-tax
  24. ship-service-level
  25. recipient-name
  26. ship-address-1
  27. ship-address-2
  28. ship-address-3
  29. ship-city
  30. ship-state
  31. ship-postal-code
  32. ship-country
  33. ship-phone-number
  34. bill-address-1
  35. bill-address-2
  36. bill-address-3
  37. bill-city
  38. bill-state
  39. bill-postal-code
  40. bill-country
  41. item-promotion-discount
  42. ship-promotion-discount
  43. carrier
  44. tracking-number
  45. estimated-arrival-date
  46. fulfillment-center-id
  47. fulfillment-channel
  48. sales-channel

All Orders Report By Order Data

  1. amazon-order-id
  2. merchant-order-id
  3. purchase-date
  4. last-updated-date
  5. order-status
  6. fulfillment-channel
  7. sales-channel
  8. order-channel
  9. url
  10. ship-service-level
  11. product-name
  12. sku
  13. asin
  14. item-status
  15. quantity
  16. currency
  17. item-price
  18. item-tax
  19. shipping-price
  20. shipping-tax
  21. gift-wrap-price
  22. gift-wrap-tax
  23. item-promotion-discount
  24. ship-promotion-discount
  25. ship-city
  26. ship-state
  27. ship-postal-code
  28. ship-country
  29. promotion-ids

Customer Shipment Sales

  1. shipment-date
  2. sku
  3. fnsku
  4. asin
  5. fulfillment-center-id
  6. quantity
  7. amazon-order-id
  8. currency
  9. item-price-per-unit
  10. shipping-price
  11. gift-wrap-price
  12. ship-city
  13. ship-state
  14. ship-postal-code


  1. shipment-date
  2. currency
  3. item-promotion-discount
  4. item-promotion-id
  5. description
  6. promotion-rule-value
  7. amazon-order-id
  8. shipment-id
  9. shipment-item-id

Customer Taxes

  1. transaction-date
  2. amazon-order-id
  3. sku
  4. asin
  5. vendor-product-tax-code
  6. transaction-item-id
  7. transaction-type-code
  8. shipment-to-state
  9. shipment-to-county
  10. shipment-to-city
  11. shipment-to-postal-code
  12. taxed-jurisdiction-state
  13. taxed-jurisdiction-county
  14. taxed-jurisdiction-city
  15. currency
  16. taxable-state-revenue
  17. taxable-county-revenue
  18. taxable-city-revenue
  19. taxable-district-revenue
  20. nontaxable-state-revenue
  21. nontaxable-county-revenue
  22. nontaxable-city-revenue
  23. nontaxable-district-revenue
  24. zero-rated-state-revenue
  25. zero-rated-county-revenue
  26. zero-rated-city-revenue
  27. zero-rated-district-revenue
  28. exempt-state-revenue
  29. exempt-county-revenue
  30. exempt-city-revenue
  31. exempt-district-revenue
  32. tax-juris-state-tax-rate
  33. tax-juris-county-tax-rate
  34. tax-juris-city-tax-rate
  35. tax-juris-district-tax-rate
  36. state-taxes
  37. county-taxes
  38. city-taxes
  39. district-taxes
  40. total-adjusted-price
  41. revenue-type

Amazon Fulfilled Inventory

  1. seller-sku
  2. fulfillment-channel-sku
  3. asin
  4. condition-type
  5. Warehouse-Condition-code
  6. Quantity Available

Daily Inventory History

  1. snapshot-date
  2. fnsku
  3. sku
  4. product-name
  5. quantity
  6. fulfillment-center-id
  7. detailed-disposition

Monthly Inventory History

  1. month
  2. fnsku
  3. sku
  4. product-name
  5. average-quantity
  6. end-quantity
  7. fulfillment-center-id
  8. detailed-disposition

Received Inventory

  1. received-date
  2. fnsku
  3. sku
  4. product-name
  5. quantity
  6. fba-shipment-id
  7. fulfillment-center-id

Inventory Event Detail

  1. snapshot-date
  2. transaction-type
  3. sku
  4. fulfillment-center-id
  5. quantity

Inventory Adjustments

  1. adjusted-date
  2. transaction-item-id
  3. fnsku
  4. sku
  5. product-name
  6. fulfillment-center-id
  7. quantity
  8. reason
  9. disposition

Inventory Health

  1. snapshot-date
  2. sku
  3. fnsku
  4. asin
  5. product-name
  6. condition
  7. sales-rank
  8. product-group
  9. total-quantity
  10. sellable-quantity
  11. unsellable-quantity
  12. inv-age-0-to-90-days
  13. inv-age-91-to-180-days
  14. inv-age-181-to-270-days
  15. inv-age-271-to-365-days
  16. inv-age-365-plus-days
  17. units-shipped-last-24-hrs
  18. units-shipped-last-7-days
  19. units-shipped-last-30-days
  20. units-shipped-last-90-days
  21. units-shipped-last-180-days
  22. units-shipped-last-365-days weeks-of-cover-t7
  23. weeks-of-cover-t30
  24. weeks-of-cover-t90
  25. weeks-of-cover-t180
  26. weeks-of-cover-t365
  27. num-afn-new-sellers
  28. num-afn-used-sellers
  29. currency
  30. your-price
  31. sales-price
  32. lowest-afn-new-price
  33. lowest-afn-used-price
  34. lowest-mfn-new-price
  35. lowest-mfn-used-price
  36. qty-to-be-charged-long-term-storage-in-next-cleanup
  37. qty-in-long-term-storage-program
  38. qty-with-removals-in-progress
  39. projected-long-term-storage-fees
  40. per-unit-volume

Recommended Removal

  1. snapshot-date
  2. sku
  3. fnsku
  4. asin
  5. product-name
  6. condition
  7. sellable-quantity
  8. sellable-271-365-days
  9. sellable-365+-days
  10. sellable-removal-quantity
  11. unsellable-quantity

Manage FBA Inventory

  1. sku
  2. fnsku
  3. asin
  4. product-name
  5. condition
  6. your-price
  7. mfn-listing-exists
  8. mfn-fulfillable-quantity
  9. afn-listing-exists
  10. afn-warehouse-quantity
  11. afn-fulfillable-quantity
  12. afn-unsellable-quantity
  13. afn-reserved-quantity
  14. afn-total-quantity
  15. per-unit-volume
  16. afn-inbound-working-quantity
  17. afn-inbound-shipped-quantity
  18. afn-inbound-receiving-quantity

Manage FBA Inventory - Archived

  1. sku
  2. fnsku
  3. asin
  4. product-name
  5. condition
  6. your-price
  7. mfn-listing-exists
  8. mfn-fulfillable-quantity
  9. afn-listing-exists
  10. afn-warehouse-quantity
  11. afn-fulfillable-quantity
  12. afn-unsellable-quantity
  13. afn-reserved-quantity
  14. afn-total-quantity
  15. per-unit-volume
  16. afn-inbound-working-quantity
  17. afn-inbound-shipped-quantity
  18. afn-inbound-receiving-quantity

Cross Border Inventory Movement

  1. shipment-date
  2. payment-date
  3. shipment-type
  4. product-name
  5. sku
  6. asin
  7. package-weight
  8. quantity
  9. currency
  10. item-value
  11. ship-from-country
  12. ship-to-state
  13. ship-to-country

Inbound Compliance

  1. issue-reported-date
  2. shipment-creation-date
  3. fba-shipment-id
  4. fulfillment-center-id
  5. sku
  6. fnsku
  7. asin
  8. product-name
  9. problem-type
  10. quantity

Exportable Inventory

  1. sku
  2. product-name
  3. asin


  1. return-date
  2. order-id
  3. sku
  4. asin
  5. fnsku
  6. product-name
  7. quantity
  8. fulfillment-center-id
  9. detailed-disposition
  10. reason

Long Term Storage Fee Charges

  1. snapshot-date
  2. sku
  3. fnsku
  4. asin
  5. product-name
  6. condition
  7. qty-charged-long-term-storage-fee
  8. per-unit-volume
  9. currency
  10. long-term-storage-fees

FBA Fee Preview Report

(Must be scheduled)
  1. sku
  2. sku
  3. fnsku
  4. asin
  5. product-name
  6. product-group
  7. brand
  8. fulfilled-by
  9. your-price
  10. sales-price
  11. longest-side
  12. median-side
  13. shortest-side
  14. length-and-girth
  15. unit-of-dimension
  16. item-package-weight
  17. unit-of-weight
  18. product-size-tier
  19. currency
  20. estimated-fee
  21. estimated-referral-fee-per-unit
  22. estimated-variable-closing-fee
  23. estimated-order-handling-fee-per-order
  24. estimated-pick-pack-fee-per-unit
  25. estimated-weight-handling-fee-per-unit



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