Report Types
Active Listings Report
- item-name
- item-description
- listing-id
- seller-sku
- price
- quantity
- open-date
- image-url
- item-is-marketplace
- product-id-type
- zshop-shipping-fee
- item-note
- item-condition
- zshop-category1
- zshop-browse-path
- zshop-storefront-feature
- asin1
- asin2
- asin3
- will-ship-internationally
- expedited-shipping
- zshop-boldface
- product-id
- bid-for-featured-placement
- add-delete
- pending-quantity
- fulfillment-channel
Inventory Report
- sku
- asin
- price
- quantity
Open Listings Report Lite
- seller-sku
- quantity
- price
- product-id
Open Listings Report Lite
- seller-sku
- quantity
Open Listings Report
- item-name
- item-description
- listing-id
- seller-sku
- price
- quantity
- open-date
- image-url
- item-is-marketplace
- product-id-type
- zshop-shipping-fee
- item-note
- item-condition
- zshop-category1
- zshop-browse-path
- zshop-storefront-feature
- asin1
- asin2
- asin3
- will-ship-internationally
- expedited-shipping
- zshop-boldface
- product-id
- bid-for-featured-placement
- add-delete
- pending-quantity
Cancelled Listings Report
- item-name
- item-description
- seller-sku
- price
- quantity
- image-url
- item-is-marketplace
- product-id-type
- zshop-shipping-fee
- item-note
- item-condition
- zshop-category1
- zshop-browse-path
- zshop-storefront-feature
- asin1
- sin2
- asin3
- ill-ship-internationally
- expedited-shipping
- shop-boldface
- product-id
- add-delete
Sold Listings
- item-name
- listing-id
- sku price
- shipping-fee
- purchase-date
- buyer-email
- buyer-nickname
- date-listed
- item-is-marketplace
- quantity
FBA Inventory
- seller-sku
- fulfillment-channel-sku
- asin
- condition-type
- Warehouse-Condition-code
- Quantity Available
Listing Quality and Suppressed Listing Report
- sku
- product-name
- asin
- field-name
- alert-type
- current-value
- last-updated
- alert-name
- status
Order Reports
Order Report (Old Version)
- payments-status order-id
- order-item-id
- payments-date
- payments-transaction-id
- item-name
- listing-id
- sku
- price
- shipping-fee
- quantity-purchased
- total-price
- purchase-date
- batch-id
- buyer-email
- buyer-name
- recipient-name
- ship-address-1
- ship-address-2
- ship-city
- ship-state
- ship-zip
- ship-country
- special-comments
- upc
- ship-method
- sales-channel
Orders Report By Order Date
- amazon-order-id
- merchant-order-id
- purchase-date
- last-updated-date
- order-status
- fulfillment-channel
- sales-channel
- order-channel
- url
- ship-service-level
- product-name
- sku
- asin
- item-status
- quantity
- currency
- item-price
- item-tax
- shipping-price
- shipping-tax
- gift-wrap-price
- gift-wrap-tax
- item-promotion-discount
- ship-promotion-discount
- ship-city
- ship-state
- ship-postal-code
- ship-country
- promotion-ids
Order Report
- order-id
- order-item-id
- purchase-date
- payments-date
- buyer-email
- buyer-name
- buyer-phone-number
- sku
- product-name
- quantity-purchased
- item-price
- item-tax
- shipping-price
- shipping-tax
- ship-service-level
- recipient-name
- ship-address-1
- ship-address-2
- ship-address-3
- ship-city
- ship-state
- ship-postal-code
- ship-country
- ship-phone-number
- tax-location-code
- tax-location-city
- tax-location-county
- tax-location-state
- per-unit-item-taxable-district
- per-unit-item-taxable-city
- per-unit-item-taxable-county
- per-unit-item-taxable-state
- per-unit-item-non-taxable-district
- per-unit-item-non-taxable-city
- per-unit-item-non-taxable-county
- per-unit-item-non-taxable-state
- per-unit-item-zero-rated-district
- per-unit-item-zero-rated-city
- per-unit-item-zero-rated-county
- per-unit-item-zero-rated-state
- per-unit-item-tax-collected-district
- per-unit-item-tax-collected-city
- per-unit-item-tax-collected-county
- per-unit-item-tax-collected-state
- per-unit-shipping-taxable-district
- per-unit-shipping-taxable-city
- per-unit-shipping-taxable-county
- per-unit-ship
- order-id
- order-item-id
- purchase-date
- payments-date
- reporting-date
- promise-date
- days-past-promise
- buyer-email
- buyer-name
- buyer-phone-number
- sku
- product-name
- quantity-purchased
- quantity-shipped
- quantity-to-ship
- ship-service-level
- recipient-name
- ship-address-1
- ship-address-2
- ship-address-3
- ship-city
- ship-state
- ship-postal-code
- ship-country
<OrderReport> <AmazonOrderID>103-9876543-1234567</AmazonOrderID> <AmazonSessionID>103-9876543-1234567</AmazonSessionID> <OrderDate>2015-03-06T08:09:38-08:00</OrderDate> <OrderPostedDate>2015-03-06T08:09:38-08:00</OrderPostedDate> <BillingData> <BuyerEmailAddress></BuyerEmailAddress> <BuyerName>John Doe</BuyerName> <BuyerPhoneNumber>919-919-9191</BuyerPhoneNumber> </BillingData> <FulfillmentData> <FulfillmentMethod>Ship</FulfillmentMethod> <FulfillmentServiceLevel>Standard</FulfillmentServiceLevel> <Address> <Name>John Doe</Name> <AddressFieldOne>123 Oak Street</AddressFieldOne> <City>Athens</City> <StateOrRegion>Georgia</StateOrRegion> <PostalCode>30601-12345</PostalCode> <CountryCode>US</CountryCode> <PhoneNumber>919-919-9191</PhoneNumber> </Address> </FulfillmentData> <Item> <AmazonOrderItemCode>45084838282818</AmazonOrderItemCode> <SKU>your-sku-here</SKU> <Title>My Awesome Product</Title> <CustomizationInfo> <Type>ConditionType</Type> <Data>new</Data> </CustomizationInfo> <CustomizationInfo> <Type>Condition</Type> <Data>new</Data> </CustomizationInfo> <CustomizationInfo> <Type>DateListed</Type> <Data>2014-04-10T02:15:27+00:00</Data> </CustomizationInfo> <CustomizationInfo> <Type>MarketplaceID</Type> <Data>ATVPDKIKX0DER</Data> </CustomizationInfo> <CustomizationInfo> <Type>ListingID</Type> <Data>0401291A891</Data> </CustomizationInfo> <CustomizationInfo> <Type>CompoundTitle</Type> <Data>My Awesome Product</Data> </CustomizationInfo> <CustomizationInfo> <Type>UPC</Type> <Data>012345678901</Data> </CustomizationInfo> <Quantity>1</Quantity> <ProductTaxCode>A_GEN_TAX</ProductTaxCode> <ItemPrice> <Component> <Type>Principal</Type> <Amount currency="USD">145.23</Amount> </Component> <Component> <Type>Shipping</Type> <Amount currency="USD">0.00</Amount> </Component> <Component> <Type>Tax</Type> <Amount currency="USD">0.00</Amount> </Component> <Component> <Type>ShippingTax</Type> <Amount currency="USD">0.00</Amount> </Component> </ItemPrice> <ItemFees> <Fee> <Type>Commission</Type> <Amount currency="USD">-21.78</Amount> </Fee> </ItemFees> </Item> </OrderReport>
Transaction Reports
Flat File
- settlement-id
- settlement-start-date
- settlement-end-date
- deposit-date
- total-amount
- currency
- transaction-type
- order-id
- merchant-order-id
- adjustment-id
- shipment-id
- marketplace-name
- shipment-fee-type
- shipment-fee-amount
- order-fee-type
- order-fee-amount
- fulfillment-id
- posted-date
- order-item-code
- merchant-order-item-id
- merchant-adjustment-item-id
- sku
- quantity-purchased
- price-type
- price-amount
- item-related-fee-type
- item-related-fee-amount
- misc-fee-amount
- other-fee-amount
- other-fee-reason-description
- promotion-id
- promotion-type
- promotion-amount
- direct-payment-type
- direct-payment-amount
- other-amount
Flat File V2
- settlement-id
- settlement-start-date
- settlement-end-date
- deposit-date
- total-amount
- currency
- transaction-type
- order-id
- merchant-order-id
- adjustment-id
- shipment-id
- marketplace-name
- amount-type
- amount-description
- amount
- fulfillment-id
- posted-date
- posted-date-time
- order-item-code
- merchant-order-item-id
- merchant-adjustment-item-id
- sku
- quantity-purchased
- promotion-id
Fulfillment Reports
- amazon-order-id
- merchant-order-id
- shipment-id
- shipment-item-id
- amazon-order-item-id
- merchant-order-item-id
- purchase-date
- payments-date
- shipment-date
- reporting-date
- buyer-email
- buyer-name
- buyer-phone-number
- sku
- product-name
- quantity-shipped
- currency
- item-price
- item-tax
- shipping-price
- shipping-tax
- gift-wrap-price
- gift-wrap-tax
- ship-service-level
- recipient-name
- ship-address-1
- ship-address-2
- ship-address-3
- ship-city
- ship-state
- ship-postal-code
- ship-country
- ship-phone-number
- bill-address-1
- bill-address-2
- bill-address-3
- bill-city
- bill-state
- bill-postal-code
- bill-country
- item-promotion-discount
- ship-promotion-discount
- carrier
- tracking-number
- estimated-arrival-date
- fulfillment-center-id
- fulfillment-channel
- sales-channel
All Orders Report By Order Data
- amazon-order-id
- merchant-order-id
- purchase-date
- last-updated-date
- order-status
- fulfillment-channel
- sales-channel
- order-channel
- url
- ship-service-level
- product-name
- sku
- asin
- item-status
- quantity
- currency
- item-price
- item-tax
- shipping-price
- shipping-tax
- gift-wrap-price
- gift-wrap-tax
- item-promotion-discount
- ship-promotion-discount
- ship-city
- ship-state
- ship-postal-code
- ship-country
- promotion-ids
Customer Shipment Sales
- shipment-date
- sku
- fnsku
- asin
- fulfillment-center-id
- quantity
- amazon-order-id
- currency
- item-price-per-unit
- shipping-price
- gift-wrap-price
- ship-city
- ship-state
- ship-postal-code
- shipment-date
- currency
- item-promotion-discount
- item-promotion-id
- description
- promotion-rule-value
- amazon-order-id
- shipment-id
- shipment-item-id
Customer Taxes
- transaction-date
- amazon-order-id
- sku
- asin
- vendor-product-tax-code
- transaction-item-id
- transaction-type-code
- shipment-to-state
- shipment-to-county
- shipment-to-city
- shipment-to-postal-code
- taxed-jurisdiction-state
- taxed-jurisdiction-county
- taxed-jurisdiction-city
- currency
- taxable-state-revenue
- taxable-county-revenue
- taxable-city-revenue
- taxable-district-revenue
- nontaxable-state-revenue
- nontaxable-county-revenue
- nontaxable-city-revenue
- nontaxable-district-revenue
- zero-rated-state-revenue
- zero-rated-county-revenue
- zero-rated-city-revenue
- zero-rated-district-revenue
- exempt-state-revenue
- exempt-county-revenue
- exempt-city-revenue
- exempt-district-revenue
- tax-juris-state-tax-rate
- tax-juris-county-tax-rate
- tax-juris-city-tax-rate
- tax-juris-district-tax-rate
- state-taxes
- county-taxes
- city-taxes
- district-taxes
- total-adjusted-price
- revenue-type
Amazon Fulfilled Inventory
- seller-sku
- fulfillment-channel-sku
- asin
- condition-type
- Warehouse-Condition-code
- Quantity Available
Daily Inventory History
- snapshot-date
- fnsku
- sku
- product-name
- quantity
- fulfillment-center-id
- detailed-disposition
Monthly Inventory History
- month
- fnsku
- sku
- product-name
- average-quantity
- end-quantity
- fulfillment-center-id
- detailed-disposition
Received Inventory
- received-date
- fnsku
- sku
- product-name
- quantity
- fba-shipment-id
- fulfillment-center-id
Inventory Event Detail
- snapshot-date
- transaction-type
- sku
- fulfillment-center-id
- quantity
Inventory Adjustments
- adjusted-date
- transaction-item-id
- fnsku
- sku
- product-name
- fulfillment-center-id
- quantity
- reason
- disposition
Inventory Health
- snapshot-date
- sku
- fnsku
- asin
- product-name
- condition
- sales-rank
- product-group
- total-quantity
- sellable-quantity
- unsellable-quantity
- inv-age-0-to-90-days
- inv-age-91-to-180-days
- inv-age-181-to-270-days
- inv-age-271-to-365-days
- inv-age-365-plus-days
- units-shipped-last-24-hrs
- units-shipped-last-7-days
- units-shipped-last-30-days
- units-shipped-last-90-days
- units-shipped-last-180-days
- units-shipped-last-365-days weeks-of-cover-t7
- weeks-of-cover-t30
- weeks-of-cover-t90
- weeks-of-cover-t180
- weeks-of-cover-t365
- num-afn-new-sellers
- num-afn-used-sellers
- currency
- your-price
- sales-price
- lowest-afn-new-price
- lowest-afn-used-price
- lowest-mfn-new-price
- lowest-mfn-used-price
- qty-to-be-charged-long-term-storage-in-next-cleanup
- qty-in-long-term-storage-program
- qty-with-removals-in-progress
- projected-long-term-storage-fees
- per-unit-volume
Recommended Removal
- snapshot-date
- sku
- fnsku
- asin
- product-name
- condition
- sellable-quantity
- sellable-271-365-days
- sellable-365+-days
- sellable-removal-quantity
- unsellable-quantity
Manage FBA Inventory
- sku
- fnsku
- asin
- product-name
- condition
- your-price
- mfn-listing-exists
- mfn-fulfillable-quantity
- afn-listing-exists
- afn-warehouse-quantity
- afn-fulfillable-quantity
- afn-unsellable-quantity
- afn-reserved-quantity
- afn-total-quantity
- per-unit-volume
- afn-inbound-working-quantity
- afn-inbound-shipped-quantity
- afn-inbound-receiving-quantity
Manage FBA Inventory - Archived
- sku
- fnsku
- asin
- product-name
- condition
- your-price
- mfn-listing-exists
- mfn-fulfillable-quantity
- afn-listing-exists
- afn-warehouse-quantity
- afn-fulfillable-quantity
- afn-unsellable-quantity
- afn-reserved-quantity
- afn-total-quantity
- per-unit-volume
- afn-inbound-working-quantity
- afn-inbound-shipped-quantity
- afn-inbound-receiving-quantity
Cross Border Inventory Movement
- shipment-date
- payment-date
- shipment-type
- product-name
- sku
- asin
- package-weight
- quantity
- currency
- item-value
- ship-from-country
- ship-to-state
- ship-to-country
Inbound Compliance
- issue-reported-date
- shipment-creation-date
- fba-shipment-id
- fulfillment-center-id
- sku
- fnsku
- asin
- product-name
- problem-type
- quantity
Exportable Inventory
- sku
- product-name
- asin
- return-date
- order-id
- sku
- asin
- fnsku
- product-name
- quantity
- fulfillment-center-id
- detailed-disposition
- reason
Long Term Storage Fee Charges
- snapshot-date
- sku
- fnsku
- asin
- product-name
- condition
- qty-charged-long-term-storage-fee
- per-unit-volume
- currency
- long-term-storage-fees
FBA Fee Preview Report
(Must be scheduled)- sku
- sku
- fnsku
- asin
- product-name
- product-group
- brand
- fulfilled-by
- your-price
- sales-price
- longest-side
- median-side
- shortest-side
- length-and-girth
- unit-of-dimension
- item-package-weight
- unit-of-weight
- product-size-tier
- currency
- estimated-fee
- estimated-referral-fee-per-unit
- estimated-variable-closing-fee
- estimated-order-handling-fee-per-order
- estimated-pick-pack-fee-per-unit
- estimated-weight-handling-fee-per-unit