
How to uncompressed GZIP at front-end using Javascript

It's been a while I haven't share my coding work. In this article I would like to share how to receive a Gzip file via stream, unzip it, and then of course after unzipping it, we need to use the data, the data should also be converted in JSON format.






<找工作> 軟體工程師 @ 德國 2020

沒想到那麼快又有機會寫這樣的紀錄文章,記得是2019年看到 innogy SE 被 RWE 拆散事業體出售,我們跟著innogy的Retail事業體到E.ON,無奈E.ON有完全不一樣的公司結構,也有原本就合作的agency,innogy SE 和 C3的合資公司決定要被關閉,在這武漢病毒襲擊的2020年,我感覺也是受害者之一,大家要開始找新工作。


(R) - Rewrite for-loop to Sapply

Performance is one of the important topics in the coding field. However, when the program is running during a human's sleeping time, that could be not the priority to focus. Recently I was improving part of my low-performance code in R in order to make running faster, the result is quite satisfied. In this article, you will learn how to rewrite a normal for-loop into SAPPLY function in R.

效能在程式開發中一直是一個重要的議題,但有些程式會是透過排程在半夜運轉的,這時我覺得效能就不一定是最重要的,反而是資料的正確性。近期寫了一個程式來檢核資料是否有遺失,一開始透過迴圈來處理4萬多筆資料時間高達6分鐘,改用R裡的Sapply function來改寫,效能大大提升,而原因在於它只針對單一vector做處理。


<遊記> 比利時 四天三夜 - 根特 x 布魯日 x 魯汶 x 布魯塞爾




<遊記> Xanten 桑坦 - 北萊茵流域的羅馬城市




"我們的選舉出問題了“ - 是美國脫口秀主題,講的是美國的民主選舉制度,他認為目前的選舉方式是錯的,而他也提出他覺得較公平的選舉方式:Ranked-Choise-Voting(RCV)。 -


(CSS) Resize iFrame and its content

This is an issue that could be occurring in any CMS. In many cases that editor wants to embed an iframe into the content area, but the content is sometimes not fit exactly the layout of the website, it could be over the wild. This is what I learned by solving this case.

有時候在新增CMS內容,會想放入另一個網站的內容,這時會使用iframe,但很多時候另一個網站可能沒有Responsive Design,導致放入iFrame時候會產生卷軸,手上其中一個維護案就遇到了這個問題,這篇記錄如何解決這問題


Tracking task using R + Measurement Protocol

This article introduces a key point solving the issue of google analytics data pushing, of course, I assumed that you have read the official document of Google and then you still got your program not working. I hope you can solve the issue soon, that is the reason I keep this hint here.


<遊記> 克羅埃西亞10天9日遊 全記錄

克羅埃西亞我們來囉~ 還記得去年六月接近暑期時,同事很興奮的分享他和全家要到克羅埃西亞旅遊兩週,記得那次他跟女兒兩人從德國往下開過去,聽起來很瘋狂實際也是,回來後他的感想就是再也不這麼做了,但他個人去克羅埃西亞很多次,對那情有獨鍾。今年和小魚討論時查了一下發現很美,決定去走走了!


(DBR) Smart message front-end overview

The Smart Message feature is my first task after IDC Sitecore official founded. I have learned many new things through this task, in this article, I would like to have overview of each thing.

The features are mainly using for reminding user with some tips of configuration or shows some information in some specific moment, for example, the cursor has not moved for a while, the message will pop-up to show some information, this is very common feature in many website already, now innogy website  also with it!

In this task, it is included 3 pop-up rules in front-end and 1 pop-up rule in back-end Implementation, I will mainly address front-end part in this article.


<Javascript> How to uncompressed GZIP at front-end using Javascript

It's been a while I haven't share my coding work. In this article I would like to share how to receive a Gzip file via stream, unzip...