By the opportunity of relaunch website, we are entering to Sitecore 9 world. Sitecore 9 is not like Sitecore 8 using SIM tool to install, many things like create login SQL server user or runing Power Shell shell script are manually, this article is about install Sitecore 9.1 in local machine. Let's see how it finish.
Step 1 : Install Solr 7.2.1
1. Using Nssm to register a service
2. Open Command windows as Administrator, change direct to under nssm folder(C:\Program Files\NSSM)
3. Enter nssm install solr
4. Enter the following path
Path : C:\Solr\solr-7.2.1\bin\solr.cmd
Argument : start -f
Step 2 : Activate Solr SSL
1. Creating a power shell file and copy paste solrssl.ps1 content into the file.
2. Open Power shell as administrator.
3. Before Run the script, you have to change keytool path in script, the path should be directed to C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_161\bin\keytool.exe
3. Run the file you just create at step 1.
4. Edit ..\solr-7.2.1\bin\ (right click and open by Notepad)
5. uncomment the following four lines.
set SOLR_SSL_KEY_STORE=etc/solr-ssl.keystore.jks
set SOLR_SSL_TRUST_STORE=etc/solr-ssl.keystore.jks
6. Try https://localhost:8983/solr
Step 3 : Install SQL Server 2016 SP2
Step 4 : Create a login user for Sitecore.
1. Login by Window Authentication
2. Open security node and right click on Login folder, click new login.
3. Enter sc9 as username (or whatever you want)
4. Enter Password.
5. Open Server Roles and check "sysadmin" item, default with public.
Then try to login with sc9 credential, if you have sql server error 18456, please follow this article instruction to solve.
Step 5 : Enable contained databases
1. Login using Windows Authentication.
2. Run the following SQL Script
sp_configure 'contained database authentication', 1;
Step 6 : Install Sitecore Installation Framework 2.0
Sitecore 9.1 supports new version of SIF. This version needs Powershell 5.1 to run. Open Power shell as administrator and run the following script.
Register-PSRepository -Name SitecoreGallery -SourceLocation -InstallationPolicy Trusted
Install-Module SitecoreInstallFramework -Force
Update-Module SitecoreInstallFramework
Step 7 : Edit and Run 02_InstallSitecore_XP0-SingleDeveloper.ps1
There are many definition parameters on the top of script, please change the value according to your environment, for example SQL database name , password etc...,
Step 8 : Put all required files under RespurceFiles folder
Ensure all necessary files are put in C:\ResourceFiles.
If you have everything, just run 02_InstallSitecore_XP0-SingleDeveloper.ps1 in PowerShell Command.
Install-SitecoreConfiguration -Path .\Prerequisites.json
Reference :
Please feel free to let me know if something is incorrect, thanks!